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Short&Long vowel Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How does this sound? What does it mean?
mule, 두더지
How does this sound? What does it mean?
pew, 성당이나 교회의자
How does this sound? What does it mean?
view, 보다, 의견, 경치
How does this sound? What does it mean?
fume, 연기, 매연
How does this sound? What does it mean?
few, 거의없는
How does this sound? What does it mean?
oat, 귀리
How does this sound? What does it mean?
stone, 돌
How does this sound? What does it mean?
rope, 밧줄
How does this sound? What does it mean?
road, 길, 도로
How does this sound? What does it mean?
poke, 찌르다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
grow, 자라다, 기르다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
vie, 싸우다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
tie, 묶다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
rise, 올라가다, (해,달)뜨다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
light, 빛, 조명
How does this sound? What does it mean?
kite, 연
How does this sound? What does it mean?
fright, 놀라움, 두려움
How does this sound? What does it mean?
How does this sound? What does it mean?
tea, 차
How does this sound? What does it mean?
need, 필요하다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
meet, 만나다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
leap, 뛰다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
feed, 먹이를주다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
dream, 꿈꾸다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
How does this sound? What does it mean?
wave, 파도
How does this sound? What does it mean?
trail, 흔적
How does this sound? What does it mean?
take, 가져가다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
tail, 꼬리
How does this sound? What does it mean?
late, 늦다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
hay, 건초
How does this sound? What does it mean?
clay, 찰흙, 점토
How does this sound? What does it mean?
sob, 흐느끼다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
pond, 연못
How does this sound? What does it mean?
frog, 개구리
How does this sound? What does it mean?
fog, 안개
How does this sound? What does it mean?
drop, 떨어뜨리다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
How does this sound? What does it mean?
How does this sound? What does it mean?
trip, 걸려넘어지다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
slip, 미끄러지다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
sit, 앉다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
gift ,선물
How does this sound? What does it mean?
bin, 쓰레기통
How does this sound? What does it mean?
wet, 젖다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
sled, 썰매
How does this sound? What does it mean?
rest, 쉬다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
hen, 암탉
How does this sound? What does it mean?
help, 돕다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
bend, 구부리다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
slap, 찰싹때리다
How does this sound? What does it mean?
How does this sound? What does it mean?
rat, 쥐
How does this sound? What does it mean?
How does this sound? What does it mean?
crab, 게
How does this sound? What does it mean?
trap, 덫, 함정