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Passive Voice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Change to Passive voice: Does the police officer catch the thief?
Is the thief caught by the police officer?
Change to Passive voice: Does your mom pick you up?
Are you pick up by your mom?
Change to Passive voice: He doesn`t open the book.
The book is not opened by him.
Change to Passive voice: I draw a picture
A picture is drawn by me.
Change to Passive voice: We set the table.
The table is set by us.
Milk (keep) ______ in the refrigerator.
Milk is kept in the refrigerator.
She (work / not) _________ for a bank.
She does not work for the bank.
We (go) __________ to school by bus.
We go to school by bus.
Jane (take / not) _________ to school by her father.
Jane is not taken to school by her father.
He (take) __________ his medicine every day.
He takes his medicine every day.
The letters (type) _____________.
The letters are typed
She (call) ________ her grandparents every Friday.
She calls her grandparents every Friday.
In summer, more ice-cream (eat) __________ than in winter.
In summer, more ice-cream is eaten than in winter.
The blue car (sell) ____________ .
The blue car is sold.
He (sell) ____________ cars.
He sells cars