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Simples past

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete                                                She __________ coffe (prefer)
She prefered coffe
Complete                                                 I ______my sister (viset)
I viseted my sister
Complete                                                It ______ very hing (jump)
It jumped very hing
Complete                                                The car ____ at lights (stop)
The car stoped at lights
Complete                                                He_______ whacted tv 
He whatced tv
Complete com simples past           We _______ the meal (cook)
we cooked the meal
Complete de acordo ao simples past                                                           they________ in London (live)
They lived in London
Na forma negativa.                          He not school 
He didn't go to school
Passe para forma interrogativa.                                      Maria morava em jéquie
Did Maria live in Jéquie
Negue essa frase.                                Ela não está vestindo uma blusa rosa.             
She is not wearing a pink blouse
Traduza está frase.                          Ele irá ao supermecado hoje!
He goes to the supermarket today
Na forma negativa!                           Ela não foi andar de cavalo.         a) she noted ride a horse               b) She didn't ride a horse               c) She donted ride a horse
B) She didn't ride a horse
Trazendo essa frase para o futuro como ela ficará?             He go to the park tomorrow
He went to the park tomorrow
Com o uso do simple past, como fica essa frase no passado?    She eat danuts last night.
She ate danuts last night.
Na forma nomal da frase como ela fica?                                                Did he play the basketball ?
he play the basketball ?