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What singer produced such a high demand for concert ticket sales that the Ticketmaster website temporarily shut down?
Taylor Swift
Which actress stars as “Wednesday Addams” in the hit Netflix series Wednesday?
Jenna Ortega
Nick Carter, AJ McClean, Brian Littrell, Kevin Richardson, and Howie Dorough are members of what boyband?
The Backstreet boys
What high school subject did Walter White teach on Breaking Bad?
Who directed the 1997 film, Titanic?
James Cameron
Who performed at the 2013 Super Bowl XLVII halftime show?
What celebrity caused an internet uproar over the unconventional way she sliced a cucumber?
Kendall Jenner
What year did Prince Harry and Meghan Markle step down as senior royals and leave the Royal Family?
Which comedian did Will Smith infamously slap at the 2022 Academy Awards?
Chris Rock
Who were the original three judges on American Idol?
Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, and Paula Abdul.
Who played the role of Elvis Presley in the 2022 film Elvis directed by Baz Luhrmann?
Austin Butler
In 2011, Kim Kardashian attempted to become a singer. What is the name of her first (and only) musical release?
What superstar did Britney Spears collaborate with to record the 2021 hit “Hold Me Closer”, marking her first song release since her conservatorship came to an end?
Elton John
What day do Star Wars fans celebrate “National Star Wars Day”?
May 4th.