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Narrative Tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Susan ................ (turn on) the radio after she ............... (wash) the dishes.
turned on/ had washed
The phone .............. (ring) while I ............ (take a shower).
was ringing/ taking a shower
Ann ........ (become) angry this morning. She ......... (speak) to an important client when someone ......... (enter) the room without knocking.
became/ was speaking/ entered
At half past nine she still ................ (do) her homework.
was still doing
She ........... (watch) a movie after the children .......... (go) to bed.
watched/ had gone
After Fred ................ (spend) his holiday in Italy he .........(want) to learn Italian.
had spent/wanted
We ......... (play) tennis when John ......... (hurt) his ankle.
were playing/ hurt
Why you (stand) on a chair when I (come) into the room.
were you standing/ came
A friend ............. (text) me when I .................... (walk) to school.
texted/ was walking
In summer, we ..............(visit) Rome, .....(see) the Vatican, and ........(spend) a few days at the seaside.
visited, saw, spent
I ................. (hear) a loud crash as I .................... (sit) in the garden.
heard/was sitting
We were ............... (walk) in the woods when the storm ...................(begin).
were walking/ began
I .................... (lose) my wallet while I ................... (buy) a sandwich.
Maria ................ (cook) dinner when her husband ................ (come) home.
was cooking/ came
Mum and dad ............... (still argue) when I ................ (leave) the house.
were still arguing/ left