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The monkeys want Mowgli to be their ....?
How does Mowgli feel when the monkeys take him?
He is scared.
Who do Baloo and Bagheera go to for help?
Kaa, the python.
Who does Mowgli sees when the monkeys take him?
Chil, the bird
What happens when Mowgli is sleeping?
The monkeys take Mowgli and jump from tree to tree.
Who takes Mowgli when he is sleeping?
The monkeys
Are Baloo and Bagheera happy about Mowgli's friends?
No, they are not.
What are the names of Mowgli's friends?
Baloo and Bagheera
Where does the story take place?
In the jungle
Who does Mowgli lives with?
Mother Wolf and Father Wolf
Who is the main character?