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Mya's Game

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you sleep, you put your head on a ___.
Pillow; When she woke up, her pillow was on the floor.
The opposite of sink
Float; Will a goat float on a boat in the lake?
If you want to water plants outside, turn on the ----.
hose; Use the hose to spray water on the grass.
to make something a different color using a brush
paint; She will paint you a picture when she gets home.
Guess the picture
Rose; I own 100 roses.
To tell someone something funny
Joke; Please say a funny joke
To send someone a note in writing.
Mail; She wrote him a letter and sent it in the mail.
At the beach, you can carry sand and water in a ___.
Pail; Don't throw the sand, put it in the pail. 
Really hard or frozen rain is known as h___.
Hail; The hail hitting the window woke me up in the middle of the night.
Guess the animal!
Toad; They found a toad in the bay.
If something is hurting you, you are in p___.
Pain; Stepping on broken glass will cause a lot of pain :(
Guess the animal!
Goat; We paid $80 to see the goats!
Guess the animal
Snail; I'd rather pet a goat then touch a snail.
something that rhymes, you write it in school, only a few lines
Poem; I will write you your own poem if you wish.
Something you eat for a birthday
Cake; Let's go home and make a cake