Edit Game
Run Series, #4-On the Road

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"They used old blankets and tarps from the truck to create improvised beds." Define the word "improvised" as it's used in this sentence. In what other context could you use this word?
to make, provide, or arrange from whatever materials are readily available
"He hastily covered the cut with the friendlier hues of the bandages." Define the words "hastily" and "hues".
quickly; tint, shade of color
Describe the meaning of this sentence: "Anxiety gnawed at his stomach."
(you decide)
"...the gash seemed to be intensifying in color. It had deepened into an unnatural shade of purple that almost glowed in the fading daylight." Define the word "intensifying"/What word in the 2nd sentence might be a synonym?
to become greater, increase; deepen
"She [Anna] winced as the clear gel made contact with the wound..." Demonstrate "wince".
(you decide)
"He [Mac] led her to a rock where she could sit while he attended to her leg." Define the word "attended" as it's used in this sentence. How else might this word be used?.
to take care of ; to be present
"...her voice was ragged and breathless." Define "ragged" as used in this sentence.
fragmented, rough
"Anna stood up, still shaky, and clambered out from the back of the truck." Define the word "clambered".
to climb, using both feet and hands; climb with effort or difficulty
"The woods were sparse enough that he had managed to inch the truck through." Define the word "sparse".
thin, scant, not thick or dense
'"Band-aids!" the boy held up a box of brightly colored Spider-Man bandages triumphantly, "and hand sanitizer!" He looked so hopeful that Mac had to suppress a laugh.' Define the word "suppress" / Why did Mac suppress a laugh?
conceal, cover-up; stop (Why? You decide.)
"Jeremiah rifled through the stash of items he had grabbed" [from the gas station]. Describe what he did.
Looked/rummaged through
Define the word "companion".
buddy, partner
"He slowed down, not wanting to jostle Anna in the back of the truck." Define the word "jostle"; Why didn't Dennis want to jostle Anna?
scramble, shove, push; (you decide)
"Dennis shuddered, then seemed to steel himself." Define the words "shuddered" and "steel". How are these words related?
Shudder: shiver, tremble; Steel: to make rigid, harden
What does the following sentence mean?..."The wound on her leg stood out angrily against her pale skin."
(you decide)
"He (Mac) looked at Dennis, whose furrowed brow suggested that he was having the same thoughts." Demonstrate a furrowed brow.
(you decide)
Why didn't Mac and Dennis want Jeremiah and Anna to know they were worried about the gash in her leg?
(you decide)
How do Dennis and Mac feel about the gash in Anna's leg? Site evidence from the story
They're afraid she'll turn into a zombie (furrowed brow, " He didn’t want the boy, who was clearly scared, to panic. But Mac felt close to panic himself.")
Mac and Dennis decided to set up camp "where a thick tree line rose up not far from the road. Whether the seclusion it offered was inviting or ominous, nobody could decide." Define the words SECLUSION and OMINOUS.
Seclusion: hiding, aloneness; Ominous: dangerous, threatening
Define the word "gash".
long, deep wound or cut; gouge, laceration
Define the word "glance".
to look quickly, briefly; peek