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What does Faustão look like?
He's of medium height and plump. He has short straight black hair and dark brown eyes.
What does Antonio Fagundes look like?
He's tall and of medium build. He has short straight white hair and brown eyes.
What does Maisa look like?
She's short and thin. She has sholder-length curly blond hair and brown eyes.
What does Brad Pitt look like?
He's tall and slim. He has short straight blond hair and blue eyes. He has beard  and mustache.
What does Angelina Jolie look like?
She's of medium height and thin. She has long straight dark brown hair and green eyes.
What does Vin Diesel look like?
He is tall and strong. He's bald and he has dark brown eyes.
What does Angelica look like?
She's of medium height.and thin. She has sholder-length wavy blond hair and green eyes.