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So and Such

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The exam is not easity enough to pass in the first time
The exam is too difficult to pass in the first time
This course is too expensive for John to study
This course is not cheap enough for John to study
Peter is not fit enough to run a marathon
Peter is too unfit to run a marathon
Jack is too young to get the job
Jack is not old enough to get the job
This city is too cold for me to live in it
This city is not warm enough for me to live in it
The jacket is so big that I can't wear it
It's such a big jacket that I can't wear it
It was such a difficult lesson that I am confused
The lesson was so difficult that I am confused
It's such a long film that I don't have time to watch it
The film is so long that I don't have time to watch it
The plates are so fragile that they can break easily
They are such fragile plates that they can break easily
My fatehr is such an honest person that he always tells me the truth
My father is so honest that he always tells me the truth
It was such a difficult topic to discuss that I couldn't find the words
The topic was so difficult to discuss that I couldn't find the words
My friend's sister is so annoying that I can't be around her
My friend has such an annoying sister that I can't be around her
It was such an easy game to play that I finished it in one day
The game was so easy to play that I finished it in one day
The book was so interesting that I couldn't put it down
It was such an interesting book that I couldn't put it down
My sofa is so comfortable that I could lie on it all day
I have such a comfortable sofa that I could lie on it all dat