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Houseflix- Monsters vs. Aliens

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He is... a) intelligent b) tall c) funny
c) funny
She is... a) big b) small c) short
a) big
He is... a) strong b) big c) intelligent
c) intelligent
He is... a) scary b) sad c) happy
a) scary
The monsters are... a) A family b) A team c) Relatives
b) A team
What's the name of this substance? a) Quantonium b) Ratonium c) Atonium
a) Quantonium
The monsters are... a) Villains b) Heroes c) Dangerous
b) Heroes
Who is this? a) Robotronic b) Alien Robot c) Crazy Robot
b) Alien Robot
What is the villain name? a) Gallaxhar b) Alienxhar c) Octopushar
a) Gallaxhar
Who is this? a) Missing link b) Missing fish c) Missing monster
a) Missing link
Where is this bridge? a) New York b) Washington c) San Francisco
c) San Francisco
Which is this monster's name? a) gigantosaurus b) caterpillarsaurus c) Insectosaurus
c) Insectosaurus
This is the president of...? a) USA b) Brazil c) England
a) USA
Who is he? a) commander b) officer c) general
c) general
What is his name? a) Derek b) Mark c) John
a) Derek
This monster is a....? a) professor b) scientist c) dentist
b) scientist
B.O.B is an experience with a .... that went bad./ a) tomato b) bread c) slime
a) tomato
What's her name? a) Mary b) Susan c) Rachel
b) Susan