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Give the right form of the adjectives in the bra ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She is _______________  student in my class. ( hard - working )
She is the most hard-working student in my class.
Nam is _______________ than Ba . He is the ___________ boy in his class. (tall)
Nam is taller than Ba . He is the tallest boy in his class.
It is the _______________ building in this city. (big)
It is the biggest building in this city.
I think scuba diving is _______________ than climbing. (interesting)
I think scuba diving is more interesting than climbing. 
Mai’s house is the _______________ one in the village.(big)
Mai’s house is the biggest one in the village.
Her hair is _______________ than his hair. (short)
Her hair is shorter than his hair.
The Mekong River is _______________ than the Red River. (long)
The Mekong River is longer than the Red River.
Tokyo is _______________ than London.(big)
Tokyo is bigger than London.
Hotels in London are _______________  than in Vietnam. (expensive)
Hotels in London are more expensive than in Vietnam. 
Your house is _______________ than my house. (big)
Your house is bigger than my house.