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Westward Expansion Review

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What is Mexican Cession?
After Mexico lost the Mexican-American War, they gave up a lot of territory (including California, Utah, etc...)
This land deal allowed a transcontinental railroad in the Southwest.
Gadsden Purchase
This state fought for their independence from Mexico and was it's own country for almost 10 years, called the Lone Star Republic.
2000 mile trail where many experienced harsh weather, difficult terrain, disease & accidents.
Oregon Trail
Which land acquisition doubled the size of the U.S. & included the port of New Orleans?
Louisiana Purchase
America's belief that it was her "god given" right to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Manifest Destiny
How did the war of 1812 (against Great Britain) strengthen the U.S.?
It proved that we were willing to fight for our freedom
How did new technology, like the railroad, change the west?
More people immigrated west
As white Americans moved west, what happened to most Native Americans?
They were forced onto reservations
When gold was discovered in this state, people left their homes, farms & jobs to head west?
When people adopt the customs of those living around them, what is it called?
What was one major impact of the Mexican-American War?
The U.S. gained a lot of land after the war
Why was the Lewis and Clark expedition a big deal?
They mapped the route to the Pacific Ocean by land
In 1836, John Deere invented the steel plow, what effect did this invention have in the U.S.?
We could move into new territories and plow the hard soil
In 1803, Pres. Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory. What affect did this have on the U.S.?
The U.S. doubled in size
In 1830, President Andrew Jackson signed which law that forced Native Americans to move?
The Indian Removal Act