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國三上 U2 時態

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The new term begins on September 1st and ends at the end of January.
我今天早上打了五次電話給你。 你到哪去了?
I’ve called you five times this morning. Where have you been?
Who is knocking at the door?
By / worked / six / ten / o’clock / had / for / they / hours / .
By six / ten o’clock they had worked for ten/six hours.
A / gathers / rolling / moss / stone / no / .
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
What / doing / you / yesterday / this / were / time / ?
What were you doing this time yesterday?
Nowadays, school students(will waste/ wasted/ waste) a lot of time on network games.
Vivi (finished/ hadn’t finished/ has finished/ was finishing)her assignment by yesterday morning.
hadn’t finished
Cindy (has listened/ is listening/ had listened/ was listening)to the radio for half an hour.
has listened
When I arrived, my son (had slept/ was sleeping/ has gone/had gone) to bed.
had gone
When I was at college, I(rarely reads/ was rarely reading/rarely read/had rarely read)any novels.
rarely read
Light (has travelled/will travel/travels) faster than sound.
When Elsa was young, she _____ up early and _____ morning exercises every day.(gets; does/was getting; doing/got; did)
got; did
Friedrich constantly (complains/complained/is to complainwas complaining) that he is not properly paid.
When we returned to our hotel room, the maid (is making/was making/made) the bed.
was making
The headmaster (showed/is showing/has showed)some visitors round the campus now.
is showing
In 1995, a strong earthquake (was taken place/had taken place/was taking place/took place) in Japan.
took place