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M10 U15

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The patient is very sick. (How...)
How sick the patient is.
The rabbit is very lovely. (How...)
How lovely the rabbit is.
What is is the worst food in taiwan?
Stinky tofu is the worst food in Taiwan.
Who has the most money in Taiwan?
Goutaimin has the most money in Taiwan.
Who is the most popular, Peter, Sandy or BTS
Peter is the most popular.
Who has the most gray hair?
Peter has the most gray hair. :-(
What animals are the worst pets?
_____s are the worst pets.
What animals are the best pets?
______s are the best pets.
Is the blue pencil the longest of the three?
No, it is not the longest of the three.
Is the blond doll the cutest of the three?
Yes, it is the cutest of the three. / No, it is not the cutest of the three.
Is steve the strongest of the three?
Yes, he is the strongest of the three.
Are Jason's shoes the biggest of all?
No, Jasons shoes are not the biggest of the three.
What animals are the the slowest of the three, rabbits, turtles, or cats?
Turtles are the slowest of the three.
What is the highest building in Taiwan?
Taipei 101 is the tallet building in Taiwan.
Who is the tallest in your class?
______ is the tallest in my class.
Who is the busiest in your family?
(My father) is the busiest in my family.