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Going to University

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Name 3 benefits of university that are not related to career or money.
Possible answers: Learn what you love, gain independence and life skills, open your mind, meet new people.
Name 3 ways university students can look after their mental health.
Possible answers: Talk to a friend, family member or student advisor, stay active and organized, party sensibly, be kind to yourself.
Name 3 jobs that do not require a university education.
Entrepreneur, nurse practitioner, medical technician, firefighter, insurance agent, fitness trainer, chef, maintenance worker, support worker/carer
What percentage of students actually get a job in their study field after graduating?
About 30%
Name 3 ways you can get student financial aid.
Possible answers: student loan, scholarship, student bursary, hardship fund.
Name 3 of the most expensive countries to study in.
Possible answers: Australia, the USA, the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada, New Zealand
Name 5 factors to consider when choosing a university.
Possible answers: location, price, faculty, student life, facilities, scholarships, ranking, student satisfaction, student housing.
Name 3 alternatives to university or college.
Possible answers: internships, degree apprenticeships, foundation degrees, gap year, starting a business, starting at entry-level and climbing the career ladder
Name 3 common (and perfectly normal) things that university and college students worry about.
Possible answers: workload, family expectations, finances, living arrangements, social anxiety, test anxiety, homesickness, identity, relationship problems.
Name three of the cheapest countries to study abroad in.
Possible answers: Mexico, India, Peru, Vietnam, Morroco, Kenya, Thailand, Brazil, South Africa, Greece, Poland, Costa Rica, Chile, Russia, Turkey 
How many universities are there in the world?
Over 25,000
According to the QS World University Rankings 2022, what are the top three highest ranking universities in the world?
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Oxford, and Stanford University