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is a large tent in which a traveling circus takes place.
a large tent in which a traveling circus takes place.
BIg top/ Circus Tent
four legged animals that have had a long relationship with humans. They were once a major form of transportation
the largest living land animals, characterized by their long trunk
a piece of paper that allows you to see a show, participate in an event, travel on a vehicle, etc
a bag that is usually filled with gas. This gas can be helium, hydrogen, or air
a large gun that is set on wheels or some other base. Cannons fire heavy shells.
a kind of corn whose kernels pop open into puffs when heated
a mass of fluffy spun sugar, usually pink or white, wrapped around a stick or a paper cone.
Cotton Candy
a single-wheeled vehicle traditionally used during circus performances.
a kind of vehicle that has two wheels. frame includes handlebars for steering, a seat, and two pedals
a very big cat with a yellow-brown coat striped with black
Seals are mammals that live mostly in cold seas. They are related to the walrus.
a person who trains lions
Lion Tamer
The person who introduces the performers and the animals.
A kind of acrobat who walks on the tightrope
Tightrope Walker
A rope or wire stretched tight on which an acrobat performs.
Someone who performs in a circus, who wears funny clothes and makeup, and who tries to make people laugh
An acrobat is an entertainer who performs difficult physical acts such as jumping and balancing, especially in a circus.