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Arm in Arm

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is Adam getting a new arm?
Yes, he is.
Who helps Oscar get up?
Adam helps Oscar get up.
Why does everyone want Adam to be on their team?
Because he is quick.
Adam can use f..., s... and n... very well.
fork, spoon, napkin
Is Adam good at English?
No, he isn't.
Why is Adam's right sleeve is empty?
Because he has no right arm.
What does Oscar do during gym class?
He sits on the bench.
What do people do to Oscar's cast?
Everyone writes and draws on it.
The doctor will put Oscar's arm in a c...
What happened to Oscar's arm?
He broke his arm.
Do they have to go to the doctor?
Yes, they do.
Why does Oscar's arm hurt?
Because he fell.