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Australian Animals

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Who am I?
Can you name 3 Australian animals beginning with K?
Kangaroo, Koala, Kookaburra,
Who am I?
Whose legs are these?
Name this Australian Animal:
Possums are nocturnal. What does that mean?
They are active at night and sleep during the day.
Who am I? I am an Australian bird. I eat snakes, lizards, frogs, rodents, bugs and beetles. I am known for my laugh.
Name this animal
Name 2 Australian birds which cannot fly
Emu, Cassowary, penguin
Am I a marsupial?
Who am I? I have webbed feet and a bill.
Who am I? I have a dagger like nail on my toe. I have a helmet on my head. I am a bird but cannot fly.
Name this animal
Ring tail possum
Name 3 facts about this Australian animal
Teacher decides!
Name this animal
Blue Tongue Lizard
Is this a reptile?
I am a hedgehog. True of False?
Who am I? I am an Australian animal. I look like a dog. My fur is golden in colour.
What am I?
Red Back Spider
Who am I? I have grey-brown feathers and long legs but I cannot fly.
Who am I? I am a marsupial. I am a carnivore. I have black and white fur. I live in Tasmania.
Tasmanian Devil
Who am I? I am a marsupial. I have a powerful tail. I have a pouch. I am on the Australian $1 coin.
Name this animal
Name an Australian animal that is a monotreme (mammals which lay eggs).
Platypus or Echidna