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World History A: Unit 4 Test Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Native American tribes found in present day Oregon and Washington, struggled to survive due to limited natural resources. True or False?
The Iroquois League consists of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca tribes. True or False?
Mesa Verde is the largest cliff dwelling of the Anasazi, and is located in present day Idaho. True or False?
False - located in Colorado
The Iroquois in the northeast survived harsh winters by hunting and foraging for food. True or False?
The Inca established a democratic system where families were free to choose their path and occupation within Incan society. True or False?
Part of the Mayan religion that many Mayan still practice today includes the belief that each person's spirit is connected with a particular animal. True or False?
The basic food crops of Mesoamerica included maize, beans and squash. True or False?
Warriors and merchants were not included in the commoner group of the Aztec Heirarchy? True or False
This native group had a hierarchical system including emperors, council of nobles and priests and priestesses at the top. True or False
Unlike the Mayans, Aztecs were united under one ruler. True or False?
Which culture first developed an understanding of the concept of zero? Maya or Aztec?
Pre-Columbia civilizations of Latin America developed the first representative democracies in Latin America. True or False?
The Mayan system of writing illustrates that pre-Columbian cultures flourished prior to European contact. True or False?
Mayan civilizations were mainly found in the mountains of Brazil or the rainforests in Central America?
Rainforests in Central America
Incan cities were easily defended because they were built in canyons or on mountains?
This native group was known for using terraced farming as part of their economy. Incas or Mayans?
This native group is know for their use of dog sleds, igloos and kayaks. Inuit or Incas?
The Mayas and Aztecs are known for the advancement of the calendar or printing?
These are artificial islands of mud, created by the Aztecs to create more farm land. Chinampas or geoglyphs?
These native groups were known for their giant earthworks that were used for burials. The Adena and Hopewell or the Aztecs?
The Adena and Hopewell
These are colored knotted strings the Incas kept records with. Quipu or kivas?