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August 2020 Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the capital of North Dakota? A) Cheyenne B) Bismarck C) Carson City D) Santa Fe
B) Bismarck
Which US state is nicknamed the Peace Garden State? A) New Mexico B) North Dakota C) Colorado D) Arizona
B) North Dakota
In what region is North Dakota located in? A) Pacific Region B) Southern Region C) Mountain Region D) Midwest Region
D) Midwest Region
Which teacher came back from Las Vegas? A) Ms. Elizabeth B) Mrs. Anh C) Mrs. Joy D) Mr. Truc
C) Mrs Joy
What movie did we watched last Friday?
What is on the state flag of Oklahoma? A) Old Broomstick B) Old Sagebrush C) Osage Shield D) Buffalo
C) Osage Shield
How many states borders Oklahoma?
What was Chapter 2 from UNIQUE about? A) Blue Ocean B) Water on Earth C) The Great Coral Reef D) Mammals in the Ocean
C) The Great Coral Reef
The little piece of paper that is sticking out of the Hershey's Kisses is called: A) Paper B) Wiggly Tiggly C) Swiggly Niggly D) Niggly Wiggly
D) Niggly Wiggly
In the BrainPOP movie, what is NOT the best way to handle stress? A) Go to sleep B) Scream really loud C) Exercise D) Take deep breaths
B) Scream really loud
In the BrainPOP movie, what is one BEST way to relieve stress in the classroom? A) Hit somebody B) Cry out loud C) Run out of the classroom D) Take deep breaths
D) Take deep breaths
Which art project did we do on the first week of school? A) Face Painting B) Avatar C) Pottery D) Coloring
B) Avatar
What is the name of our speech person? A) Mrs. Lee B) Mrs. Hernandez C) Mr. Chau D) Mrs. Nguyen
D) Mrs. Nguyen
In the BrainPOP movie, our sun is a: A) Star B) Planet C) Rock D) Magical Orb
A) Star
Which of the following food will taste sour? A) Watermelon B) Mustard C) Lemon D) Maple Syrup
C) Lemon
What is the state bird of New Mexico? A) Blue Jay B) Greater Roadrunner C) Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher D) Cactus Wren
B) Greater Roadrunner
Which student is absent since the beginning of school? A) Salvador B) Juan Pablo C) Emma D) Shinjo
D) Shinjo
When practicing mindfulness, it is useful for: A) making friends B) reducing brain chatter C) increasing strength D) making your parents happy
B) reducing brain chatter
Which is NOT one of our five senses? A) Heart B) Sight C) Sound D) Smell
A) Heart
What is the capital of Oklahoma? A) Oakley B) Oklahoma Town C) Oklahoma City D) Old Folks City
C) Oklahoma City
What is the capital of New Mexico? A) Santa Cruz B) Phoenix C) Santa Clara D) Santa Fe
D) Santa Fe
Which US State did we learn on the first day of school? A) New Mexico B) Oklahoma C) Arizona D) Utah
A) New Mexico
When was the first day of school? A) August 9 B) August 10 C) August 11 D) August 12
B) August 10