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What teachers should do with students who have special needs?
Curricular adaptations
Who is the DP (Diploma Programme) for?
The Diploma Programme (DP) is open to any student aged 16 to 19, at schools that have been authorized to implement the programme.
The approaches to learning in the PYP programme aim to help students learn how to effectively ask questions, set realistic goals and pursue these goals effectively and successfully. Mention all of them
Thinking, Social, Self Management, Research and Communication.
What languages are taught at Ludoteca?
Spanish, English and French
Name three international projects where Ludoteca takes part in
ONU, intercultural exchange, e pals in English or french, Solacyt, DI
Name the digital platform that we use in the institution for virtual classes.
When did Ludoteca inaugurate the high school section?
September 15th, 2001
Mention three of the External Institutions that evaluate the knowledge of our students
Univeristy of Cambridge; Ministerio de Educación; Alianza Francesa; IB, IBEC
Where is the yoga room located at the institution?
Administrative building
What is the new program that is being implemented in the institution?
Educational coaching
The PYP programme is a student-centered approach to education for children aged........
In which year was the Diploma Programme approved at Ludoteca?
In which year was the MYP programme approved at Ludoteca?
In which year was the PYP programme approved at Ludoteca?
Each of the IB's programmes is committed to the development of students according to the IB learner profile. Mention 5 of them.
Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, Reflective
Name two of the School quotes
Los queremos felices, English for Life, Educamos para un mundo feliz, Excellence is a daily assignment
How many sections are there at Ludoteca? Mention them
5 (Preescolar, Casa Blanca, Granja, Escuela, Colegio)