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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the process called when a Lizard drops it's tail and then grows it back?
What was Mr. Zac doing in the Youtube video?
Playing music in a band!
In which class are we doctors?
In Science class!
Does Mina like vegetables?
Yes she does!
How do Conifers spread their seeds?
With cones!
What is Harry's cousin's name?
Dudley Dursley
Which teacher doesn't like Harry Potter?
Severus Snape
Who is very wise?
Albus Dumbledore
Name 5 vertebrates and 5 invetebrates
Look at the picture!
What was Miguel trying to make for his dad?
A birthday cake!
Finish the sentence - We had a _______ about whether it was better to live in the city or the countryside.
What is a loan?
It's when you borrow money from someone/something
Which 4 countries went to North America to colonise it?
France, Spain, Great Britain and Portugal
What is a baby frog called?
A tadpole
What kind of animal is an Okapi related to?
What plant did Hoa grow on her balcony?
A passion fruit plant!
What kind of food did someone in Guatemala make on a volcano?
What word did the Flying Blueberry say incorrectly?
Where is the Flying Blueberry from?
He's from India!
What does the Flying Blueberry always say?
Zooming in / Zooming out
What is the real name of the Flying Blueberry?
Dr. Binocs
Mr. Zac is from England and the U.K. What are the other countries in the U.K?
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Name 2 of the films we watched in class at lunchtime
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Despicable Me / Kung Fu Panda 2/3 / Shrek
What is the name of Mr. Zac's fighting character and what does he do?
Tree fighting man, and he gets angry at trees and tries to fight them!
How many syllables are in each line of a haiku poem?
5 / 7 / 5