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S5 R5 review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this an illness or an injury?
Is this an illness or an injury?
Is this an illness or an injury?
Is this an illness or an injury?
Is this an illness or an injury?
have an illness. / You / go see the doctor / if / should
You should see the doctor if you have an illness.
take care / animals. / should / We / of
We should take care of animals.
I think you ________ practice more sports to be healthy. ( Opinion)
You ________ respect your classmates and your teachers (Obligation)
I / tell / the / should / always / truth / for my / mum / dad. / and
I should always tell the truth for my mum and dad.
shouldn't / eat / class. / in / You
You shouldn't eat in class.
Complete with Ph or Gh
Phone - Sphere - Alphabet - Cough - Ghost - Spaghetti
Your body grows the most when you are exercising. (TRUE/FALSE)
FALSE - it grows the most when you are SLEEPING
Playing outside is better for you than playing outside. (TRUE/FALSE)
How often do you exercise?
"I always practice exercises." - This person is healthy (TRUE/FALSE)
What is wrong with this boy?
He has a headache.
What is wrong with this boy?
He has a sore throat.
What is wrong with this boy?
He has an earache.
What is wrong with this boy?
He has a high temperature.
What is wrong with this girl?
She has the flu.
What is wrong with this boy?
He got a cut.
What is wrong with this girl?
She is coughing (COUGH)