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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Alice doesn't think she ___________ (pass) the test.
will pass
(Would / Could/ Will) you like anything to eat?
Would you like anything to eat?
(May / Shall / Should / Could ) I borrow your dictionary?
May/Could I borrow your dictionary?
(May/ Shall) I have your name, please?
May I have your name, please?
(Shall/ Will)you wash the dirty socks , please?
Will you wash the dirty socks , please?
( Can/ Would)you pass me the pepper?
Can/ Would you pass me the pepper?
___ I ____ (make) you a sandwich?
Shall I make you a sandwich?
We(will/ shall) have a big dinner this evening.
We will have a big dinner this evening.
(Shall/ Will) John have an eye examination today?
Will John have an eye examination today?
She ____________ (go) out tonight. She'll stay home.
will not/ won't
_____ I ____ (carry) that heavy bag for you? You're too tired after your trip.
Shall I carry
We are confident that we _____ win the games.
I _____ (help) you with your homework.