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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Bolał mnie ząb całą noc).... You should (iść do dentysty)...
I was having a toothache all night. You should see a dentist.
You should (zmierzyć temperaturę) ...
take a temperature
Powinieneś iść do lekarza. Wyglądasz strasznie.
You should see a doctor. You look horrible.
Yesterday, I ate too much and (było mi niedobrze) ...
I felt sick
What's the matter? (Stanąłem na kamień i skręciłem kostkę) ...
I stood on the stone and twisted my ankle.
My grandpa picked up a heavy box and (bolą go placy. Zamierzamy zabrać go na ostry dyżur)...
he has a backache. We are going to take him to the A&E.
Tomek fell off his bike and he (stłukł kolano)...
bruised his knee
Mam gorączkę i ból głowy. Prawdopodobnie mam grypę.
I have a fever/temperature and a headache. Probably I have flu.
You were coughing all night. (Powinieneś pójśc do przychodni)....
You should go to the health centre
My mum ate a cake with nuts and now she has a rash because she (ma alergię na orzeczy) ...
is allergic to the nuts
You have your leg in a plaster cast! What happened? (Złamałem nogę 3 dni temu)...
I broke my leg 3 days ago.
What a day! I'm feeling awful. (Boli mnie gardło i mam katar)...
I have a sore throat and a runny nose
You look horrible! (Co ci się stało?) ...
What happened to you?
Monica fell over on the street yesterday and now (boli ją kolano)....
her knee hurts