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Why do we wear sunscreen?

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What is the Sun?
a star, hot ball of burning gases
How many miles away is the Sun from Earth?
About 2,960,000 miles away
How old is the sun?
About 4.5 billion years old
How hot is the sun?
27 Million degrees Fahrenheit
How long does it take for the Sun's light to reach Earth?
8 Minutes
How many Earths could you fit into the Sun?
1.3 Million Earths
When should I reapply sunscreen?
Every two hours or after sweating or swimming
What time of year should you wear sunscreen?
All year! Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring...
What can happen to your skin over time?
It can age the skin and loose elasticity. It can also cause sun spots to appear or cancer in the future
Who needs to wear sunscreen?
Everyone!! No one is immune to skin cancer
What else can you do besides wearing sunscreen/sunblock to protect your skin?
wear a hat, hang in the shade, UV protective clothing....
When should you apply sunscreen?
30 minutes before sun exposure
What is the recommended minimum SPF?
30 SPF
What does Broad Spectrum mean?
This means it filters out both UVA & UVB rays
What kind of sunscreen to lifeguards wear on their nose?
What does Chemical sunscreen do?
It absorbs UVA & UVB rays
What does Physical/Mineral sunscreen do?
It reflects UVA & UVB rays
What are the two types of sunscreen?
Mineral/Physical or Chemical
What does UV stand for?
Ultra Violet
What does SPF stand for?
Sunburn Protection Factor