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History - Module 2 & 1 Vocabulary
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Bartolomé de las Casas
Catholic priest and bishop that came to the new world and actively fought slavery and colonial abuse of indigenous people.
Sir Edmund Andros
Governor of New England that angered many colonists by enforcing unpopular policies and ruling with an iron grip
Salutary Neglect
English policy relaxing enforcement of regulations in return for colonist loyalty
Navigation Acts
series of laws enacted by Parliament to tighten England's control of trade in American colonies (1651)
economic system in which nations seek self-suficiency (colonies provide raw materials, mother country provides finished goods). More export.
William Penn
Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania - example of self-governance, freedom and tolerance
Wampanoag chief also called King Phillip - led brutal war against colonists of Plymouth (1675)
Pequot War
1637 conflict between colonists and Pequot nation
Anne Huchinson
Puritan leader who claimed relationship with God does not need guidance from ministers, people should act as HS leads. Banished to RI.
Roger Williams
Puritan separatist banished for preaching separation of church and state, tolerance, and Natives should be compensated for land. Founded Providence, RI
Plymouth Colony
Second permanent colony in North America
members of a group who wanted to eliminate traces of Roman Catholic rituals from the Church of England
Nathaniel Bacon
Virginia colonist, led Bacon's Rebellion over protection from natives and representation in the House of Burgesses. Died of dysintery.
Royal Colony
Colony under direct control of the English monarch
Indentured Servant
Person contracted to work for another for a limited period of time, normally in return for travel expenses, sustanance, shelter, and sometimes land.
Headright System
Virginia Co.'s policy of granting 50 acres of land to each settler who paid for their trip/someone else's to the new land
First permanent English colony in North America
Joint-stock companies
a business which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose
John Smith
English Colonist who helped found the Jamestown Colony
What were the first three main colonies?
Jamestown, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Pennsylvania
What activities were Christopher Columbus's main goals in the new world?
Search for GOLD, claims new LANDS for Spain, plant the CROSS (christianity)
Treaty of Tordesillas
1494 - Treaty which Spain and Portugal agreed to divide the lands of the Western Hemisphere between them
Columbian Exchange
Transfer of goods, beginning with Columbus's voyage, of plants, animals and disease between Hemispheres (western and eastern)
Protestant Reform
religious movement growing from the desire to reform the Roman Catholic Church, leading to the establishment of protestantism
Christian military expeditions to intended to drive Muslims from the Holy Land.
List 3 differences between Native communities
Location, food, clothing, housing
List 3 similarities between Native communities.
Religion, trade, social organization, importance of family (kinship)
What caused most cultural differences between Native Americans?
Climate and Geography
Social ordering by rank or class
Period of European history (1400-1600) that brought renewed interest in art, study, individuality and innovation
Prince Henry
Portuguese Prince known as "the Navigator" who sponsored voyages to explore the West of Africa in search of a route to Asia