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Childhood Week Competition

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What special classes do you have in the mornings?
Drama, Literature, and P.E
Mention 3 board games.
Cards, chess, Ludo, Twister, draughts, puzzles ...
Mention 4 olympic sports.
Archery, athletics, basketball, football, hockey, weight lifting, judo, cycling, rowing, synchronised swimming, beach volleyball, etc...
Sing the Months of the Year song!
January, February, March and April...
Sing the 7 Continents song!
We are Asia, Afica, North and South America.....
Sing L-Gante's alphabet song!
Who is younger: Caro, Sabri, Wanda or Jime?
Wanda is younger.
How many students are there in 6th form in total?
There are 71 students.
Who are the heads of primary in NFS Puertos?
Gabriela Pandiello, Mariana Gibson, Carolina Giusto.
Mention 3 Argentine presidents.
Alberto Fernandez, Mauricio Macri, Cristina Fernandez, Nestor Kirchner, Eduardo Duhalde, Ramon Puerta, Fernando De la Rúa...
What are "false friends" in language? Provide an example.
They are two words in different languages that look similar but have different meanings.
What is the name of Messi's new team in France?
Paris Saint-Germain
How many medals has Argentina won in the Olympics?
3 (Two bronze, one silver)
What are "homonyms"?
They are words that are spelled and pronounced the same way but have different meanings.
What do "reflectional, rotational and translational" refer to?
They refer to types of symmetry.
Mention 3 different languages.
Spanish, English, Japanese, Portuguese, Latin, Quechua, etc...
What is a mind map used for?
It is used for taking notes, summarizing, identifying key words, organizing ideas, making connections ...
Mention 3 natural disasters.
Lightning, vocanic eruption, flood, avalanche, tornado, hurricane, drought ...
When did Northfield School Escobar open its doors for the first time?
In the year 2009.
How many layers does the Earth have? Mention them.
4: Inner core, Outer core, Mantle, Crust.
Mention two ways to record history.
Recording audios, filming, writing...
Can birds speak?
No. They can communicate, but they cannot speak.
Where was COVID-19 first detected?
In Wuhan, China.
Why is Children's Day celebrated?
It is celebrated to increase awareness on the rights and education of children every year.