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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are there few animals in a zoo?
No, there are many animals in a zoo
What are they carrying?
They're carrying a table
Is he carrying a hat?
No, he's not carrying a hat, he's wearing a hat
Do you smile when you're unhappy?
No, I smile when I'm happy
What's another name for football?
Another name for football is soccer
When you are hungry, must you EAT or DRINK something?
When I'm hungry, I must EAT some food
Do people hate their pets?
No, people don't hate their pets; they love their pets
Is she an old woman?
No, she's a young girl
Are my shoes NEW or YOUNG?
Your shoes are NEW
What is he doing?
He's catching a ball
Are my ears on the back of my head?
No, they're on the sides of your head
Are the books on the top of his head?
Yes, the books are on the top of his head
Is that the back part of the book?
No, it's the front part of the book
What monkeys love to eat?
I have wings, but I cannot fly. Who am I?
What have I got in my hand?
You've got nothing in your hand
What have I got in my hand?
You've got a pen in your hand
Is he wearing anything on his head?
No he isn't wearing anything on his head
Is there anything on the table?
Yes, there's something on the table
Have I got anything in my hand?
Yes, you've got something