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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They wanted to spend all their money on computer games, but I told them no so they didn't.
The boys would have spent all their money on computer games.
They don't like computer games; I am sure they didn't spend their money on these games
The boys can't (couldn't) have spent all their money on computer games.
They are in their rooms playing games all day; I am sure they spent all their money on computer games.
The boys must have spent all their money on computer games.
I am not sure, but it is possible that she forgot about our meeting.
She might have forgotten our meeting.
It would have been impossible to finish my homework if my friend didn't help me.
I couldn't have finished my homework without my friend's help.
We didn't go to bed early last night. Now we are very tired.
We could have gone to bed earlier last night.
A: Ellen has never missed a day of work before. B: She was coughing yesterday, and she didn't look good. She *** (get) sick.
A: Ellen has never missed a day of work before. B: She was coughing yesterday, and she didn't look good. She must have (got/gotten) sick.
Taylor Swift's boyfriend just left her for a girl who isn't even famous. She *** (not / be) happy when she found out!
Taylor Swift's boyfriend just left her for a girl who isn't even famous. She (can't/couldn't) have been happy when she found out!
The big grammar test is today. I'm in trouble - I ***(study) last night, but I didn't!
The big grammar test is today. I'm in trouble - I should have studied last night, but I didn't!
Scientists claim a giant asteroid hit the Earth in the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago and that ***(cause) the extinction of the big dinosaurs.
Scientists claim a giant asteroid hit the Earth in the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago and that must have caused the extinction of the big dinosaurs.
A: Who broke the big vase in the back office? B: It ***(be) Leo - he's very clumsy. But I'm not sure.
A: Who broke the big vase in the back office? B: It (might/may) have been Leo - he's very clumsy. But I'm not sure.
That smart girl studied a lot, so she ***(do) well on the test.
That smart girl studied a lot, so she must have done well on the test.