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What material is not neccesary to grow the cactus ? A. Figurines B. Soil
A. Figurines
The thing that you put it in the bottom of your pot.
Which step that you have to do before lightly water the cactus? A. Firm the Soil. B. Add Gravel and Potting Mix.
A. Firm the Soil.
What type of cactus are cover by ‘feathers’ ?
Mammillaria plumosa
What type of cactus has white, long, wooly hairs ?
Old-man cactus.
What pot is a good choice for cactus gardens ? A. Plastic pot. B. Terracotta pot.
B. Terracotta pot.
Tell me 3 materials that you use to grow the cactus.
Good job !
What is the last step to grow the cactus ?
Decorate the cactus.
What material that you use for remove the cactus from their pots ?
What is the first step to grow the cactus ?
Find a container for cactus.
Which type of cactus is suite with small space ? A. Ladyfinger Cactus B. Ballon Cactus
A. Ladyfinger Cactus
What types of this cactus ? A.Ballon cactus B.Old man cactus
B.Old man cactus
What types of this cactus ? A.Bunny Ears Cactus B.Bunny Eye Cactus
A.Bunny Ears Cactus
What types of this cactus ? A.Old-man Cactus. B.Ladyfinger Cactus.
A.Ladyfinger cactus.
What types of this cactus ? A.Mammillaria bocasana. B.Mammillaria plumosa
A.Mammillaria bocasana.
What is a cactus ? A. a kind of a plant adapted to hot, dry climates. B. a kind of a plant are store water. C. A and B.
C. A and B