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Ch 1 Energy

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Animals eat plants and convert the chemical energy contained in them into
kinetic energy
Name the 3 part transformation. A charcoal grill is lit in order to cook my dinner
chemical to thermal to chemical
Why does a pendulum eventually slow down and stop swinging?
Friction transforms some of the mechanical energy to thermal energy
name the energy transformation that happens when natural gas is used to heat water
chemical to thermal
Name 3 places that chemical energy can be found
food, matches, batteries, body cells
The total kintetic and potential energy of particles is called
thermal energy
What two factors affect gravitational potential energy?
height and mass
When you double the speed what happens to the kinetic energy?
It quadruples
True or False Work input is always less than output because of thermal waste
False- input is greater than output
What transformation happens when the sun releases nuclear energy?
Electromagnetic energy comes to Earth as heat and light
How does electromagnetic energy get from one place to another?
It travels through space in waves
How is energy released in nuclear fusion?
The nuclei fuses together
Which has a greater effect on kinetic energy? increasing the speed or increasing the mass
increasing the speed
Kinetic energy is affected by, or depends on, what two factors?
mass and speed
The Law of Conservation of Energy states that when one form of energy is transformed to another
no energy is lost in the process, not created or destroyed- only transformed
To maintain body temperature, chemical energy is transformed into _________ energy
Thermal energy
True or False Nuclear Fission happens in the sun
false- it happens in power plants
What energy depends on position or shape of an object?
Potential Energy
What energy depends of the motion, position, or shape of an object?
mechanical energy
Name the 5 energys that are associated with particles.
Thermal, Chemical, Electric, Electromagnetic, Nuclear
As a roller coaster moves along the tracks the KE and PE vary. What happens to the Mechanical Energy?
It stays the same
Describe the energy transformation when you drop a ball from a high position
Gravitational potential energy transforms into kinetic energy
Name the energy of electric charges
Electrical energy
An object with mechanical energy can do _________ on another object
When you squeeze a rubber ball what kind of energy is being given?
Elastic Potential Energy
When you do work on an oject, some of your energy is ____________ to that object
When a pendulum swings, at its highest point it ___________
When you rub your hands together you transfer ___________ energy to ________________ energy.
mechanical to thermal
The higher the temperature of an object, the _________ thermal energy the object has.
How do you calculate the mechanical energy of an object?
When you double the mass what happens to the kinetic energy?
it doubles
Rate at which energy is transferred is called