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There are six players in each team and they all wear skates, gloves, helmets and kneepads. They use sticks to play the game. I think that it's the most exciting sport in the world.
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Hi! My name's Natasha and I'm from Russia. One of the most popular sports in my country is ice hockey. You play this sport on a hockey rink.
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You play the game on a table with a net. Two or four players hit a ball back and forth with bats. My brother thinks that it's one of the most boring sports in the world, but I think that it's a lot of fun.
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Hello! My name's Nukia Lee and I'm from China. Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in my country. You play the game on a table with a net.
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Hello! My name's Nukia Lee and I'm from China. Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in my country. You play the game on a table with a net.
Read with correct pronunciation and intonation
You play the game on a table with a net. Two or four players hit a ball back and forth with bats. My brother thinks that it's one of the most boring sports in the world, but I think that it's a lot of fun.
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You play the game on a table with a net. Two or four players hit a ball back and forth with bats. My brother thinks that it's one of the most boring sports in the world, but I think that it's a lot of fun.
Read with correct pronunciation and intonation
Hi! My name's Natasha and I'm from Russia. One of the most popular sports in my country is ice hockey. You play this sport on a hockey rink.
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Hi! My name's Natasha and I'm from Russia. One of the most popular sports in my country is ice hockey. You play this sport on a hockey rink.
Read with correct pronunciation and intonation
There are six players in each team and they all wear skates, gloves, helmets and kneepads. They use sticks to play the game. I think that it's the most exciting sport in the world.
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There are six players in each team and they all wear skates, gloves, helmets and kneepads. They use sticks to play the game. I think that it's the most exciting sport in the world.
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Hello! My name's Neil and I'm from Australia. One of the most popular sports in my country is cricket. In a cricket match there are two teams. Each team has got eleven players.
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Hello! My name's Neil and I'm from Australia. One of the most popular sports in my country is cricket. In a cricket match there are two teams. Each team has got eleven players.
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They wear gloves, helmets and pads and they use a bat to hit the ball. I think cricket is the most interesting sport of all.
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They wear gloves, helmets and pads and they use a bat to hit the ball. I think cricket is the most interesting sport of all.
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They wear gloves, helmets and pads and they use a bat to hit the ball. I think cricket is the most interesting sport of all.
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Hello! My name's Neil and I'm from Australia. One of the most popular sports in my country is cricket. In a cricket match there are two teams. Each team has got eleven players.
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There are six players in each team and they all wear skates, gloves, helmets and kneepads. They use sticks to play the game. I think that it's the most exciting sport in the world.
Read with correct pronunciation and intonation
Hi! My name's Natasha and I'm from Russia. One of the most popular sports in my country is ice hockey. You play this sport on a hockey rink.
Read with correct pronunciation and intonation
You play the game on a table with a net. Two or four players hit a ball back and forth with bats. My brother thinks that it's one of the most boring sports in the world, but I think that it's a lot of fun.
Read with correct pronunciation and intonation
Hello! My name's Nukia Lee and I'm from China. Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in my country. You play the game on a table with a net.
Read with correct pronunciation and intonation