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Art professions
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I work closely with words and use the fundamentals of language to evoke the imagination, to educate, and hold the interest of the readers.
I am an author
I am an entertainer like an actor, musician, magician, dancer, or singer that creatively express my artistic talent to an audience. Who am I?
I am a performer
I use resources applied to the skin to transform or enhance the appearance of a person. Who am I?
I am a makeup artist
I acquire, storage, organize, preserve and exhibit important objects, documents and collections. Who am I?
I am a curator
I express the story of the screenwriter and the vision of the film director onto film. Who am I?
I am a cinematographer
I am trained and licensed to work on the planning and design of buildings. Who am I?
I am an architect
I create handmade objects, such as pottery, glassware, textiles, etc. Who I am?
I am an artisan / a craft artist
I draw or paint pictures for books, games and different projects. Who am I?
I am an illustrator
I decide how things such as clothes, furniture, tools, etc. will look or work by making drawings, plans or patterns. Who am I?
I am a designer 
I tell stories through images that I capture, and express my personality and viewpoints through my art. Who am I?
I am a photographerÂ