Edit Game
Grade 7 - Unit 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jim and Jane don’t fancy (go)__________out tomorrow.
Did you hate (eat)______vegetables when you was small?
Many people prefer (do)______gardening after their retirement.
to do/doing
Make a sentence using verbs of liking or disliking
He enjoys gardening
Make a sentence using verbs of liking or disliking
She hates playing the piano
Make a sentence using verbs of liking or disliking
They love playing table tennis
Make a sentence using verbs of liking or disliking
He doesn't like/hate/... eating apples.
I'm afraid you (not/have) ......................................... a lot of free time next week.
I'm afraid you won't have a lot of free time next week.
My father makes breakfast. make it negative (-)
My father doesn't make breakfast.
You (get) ................................... rich in the future.
You will get rich in the future
We sometimes (read) books.
We sometimes read books.
The girls always (to listen) to pop music.
The girls always listen to pop music.
(they/fly) ................................. to London next Monday?
Will they fly to London next Monday?
My family (eat) ................. rice every day.
My family eat rice every day.
they / to clean / the bathroom. Make a question
Do they clean the bathroom?
I hope my parents (paint) .......................................... my room tomorrow.
I hope my parents will paint my room tomorrow.
She (not/stay) ............................................ at home next week.
She won't stay at home next week.
I think my brother (become) ........................................... a doctor in future.
I think my brother will become a doctor in future.