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Amazing Animals

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the animal: RABBIT
- long ears/ - short, fluffy tail/ - large eyes
Describe the animal: LION
- Sharp claws/ - Sharp teeth/ - Male lions have manes
Describe the animal: KANGAROO
- large feet/ - strong, long tail, - female kangaroo have pouch to keep the baby safe
Describe the animal: ELEPHANT
- big ears/ -long trunk/ - sharp tusks
Describe the animal: TORTOISE
- a slow animal/ - hard shell/ - thick, short legs
Describe the animal: MONKEY
- hangs from tree to tree/ - long tail/ - eat fruits, insects, flowers and leaves
Describe the animal: CAMEL
- Humps/ - Long legs/ - Long eyelashes
Describe the animal: CROCODILE
- Long tail/ - Sharp claws/ - Sharp teeth
Describe the animal: GIRAFFE
- Long neck/ - Long legs/ - Have spots on the body