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What is the weather like in an Inuit village?
It is snowy
What are some of the Inuit's old traditions that still survive?
Spending time with their families, respecting elders, hunting and fishing
What did the Inuit use to do in the past for entertainment?
They played games, sang songs and drummed
What transportation means do the Inuit use today for travelling?
Cars or snowmobiles. Some of them still use dogleds
How did the Inuit use to travel?
By walking or Kayaking, or on dogsleds
What is an igloo?
A house made of snow
Where did the Inuit use to live in?
In tents and Igloos
What material did they use to make clothing from?
Animal fur
How long did they arrive in the Artic?
Almost 4.000 years ago
Where do the Inuit people live?
In the northern Canada, Alaska and Greenland.