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Reading "A Place in the World"

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the THEME in this short story?
The theme is kindness toward neighbors and helping someone in need.
What did Mrs. Moreno sell at her kiosk?
everyday items.
How is Mrs. Moreno's kiosk a tradition in town?
People feel that Mrs. Moreno's kiosk was something special in the town.
What was Miguel's idea to help Mrs. Moreno?
He got the community to help rebuild Mrs. Moreno's kiosk.
Why didn't Mrs. Moreno want to see anyone when Miguel and his father visited?
She was still upset about what happened to her kiosk during the hurricane.
What's the name of the hurricane?
What happened to Mrs. Moreno's kiosk?
It was destroyed by a hurricane
What did Miguel find in the hurricane debris that made him think of Mrs. Moreno?
a power cord