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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many presidents are there in the picture?
3 presidents
The 1st black president of the United States.
Barack H. Obama
The longest road in USA. U.S. R__te _0
U.S. Route 20
The hilliest state in USA. We__t V__rgin_a
West Virginia
The US president who declared war on Japan.
Franklin D. Roosvelt
the state where the Times Square located. N__w Y___.
New York
The oldest president in the U.S history.
Joe Biden
The president who got assassinated in 1963.
John F. Kennedy
The national bird of the United States.
Bald Eagle
Which one is American English? PAJAMAS or PYJAMAS.
Which one is American English? HOLIDAY or VACATION.
Which one is American English? FALL or AUTUMN.
The national sport of the United States.
The happiest state in USA. H___ii
The state where the Golden Gate Bridge located. C_____fo__a.
The currency of the United States.
US Dollar
The place where the US presidents work and live.
White House
The capital city of the United States.
Washington D.C.
The LARGEST STATE in USA. Al____ka
The greatest president in the U.S. history.
Abraham Lincoln
The 1st state of the United States. Del__re
How many states are there in USA?
50 states
The date that the United States gained an independence.
4th of July
The 1st president of the United States.
George Washington