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B2 First passive Voice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Somebody has paid the artist $1000 for his painting.
1) The artist has been paid $1000 for his painting 2) A thousand dollars have been paid to the artist.
Her mother bought Mary some sweets.
1) Mary was bought some sweets 2) Some sweets were bougth to Mary
Bob is going to sell Ted a second-hand car.
1) A second-hand car is going to be sold to Bob 2) Bob is going to be sold a second-hand car.
My friend had been speaking English to the waiter for a long time.
1) The waiter had been being spoken English for a long time 2) English had been being spoken to the waiter for a long time.
The teacher will send the homework to the students.
1) the students will be sent the homework. 2) The homework will be sent to the students.
Sophia had sold the car to a doctor
1) The car had been sold to a doctor. 2) A doctor had been sold the car
Lucy was throwing the ball to the children
1) The ball was being thrown to the children 2) The ball was being thrown to the children.
She buys her children too many toys for Christmas.
1) Too many toys are bought to her children for Christmas. 2) Her Children are bought too many toys for Christmas
I am going to send an email to John.
1) John is going to be sent an email 2) An email is going to be sent to John
Julie will teach the grammar to the students
1) The students will be taught the grammar 2) The grammar will be taught to the students
Someone has bought a new pair of trainers to me.
1) A new pair of trainers has been bougth to me. 2) I have been nought a new pair of trainers.
Somebody told me a lie
1) I was told a lie 2) A lie was told to me
Somebody promised us a big party
1) A big party was promised to us 2) We were promised a big party
Somebody paid a lot of money to her
1) She was paid a lot of money 2) A lot of money was paid to her