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Human Rights

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the right to freedom of religion ensure?
That all humans can follow their own beliefs freely and no one can stop us. All religions should be respected.
Under the right to education, what should be given to all students and schools?
- 220 days of attendance, water and electricity supply, classrooms, separate toilets for boys and girls
List the 3 main types of equality we learnt.
Gender equality, Race equality and Caste equality
True or False: No one can treat another person differently based on gender, caste or race.
What is the meaning of right to Equality?
It means our right to be treated fairly and to be treated the same as everyone else
True or False : We get our human rights once we turn 18 years old
What are human rights?
Human rights are the basic rights which belong to everyone from birth till death
What are laws and why are they important?
Laws are the official rule of the country and they are made to protect the citizens
List some thing which make up our individual identity
Looks, Name, Likes and dislikes, Hobbies