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Who were "The All Americans"?
They were Forrest´s american football team
Could Forrest remember the rules of the game?
No, he couldn´t
What sport did Forrest play for High School?
He played football for High School
Who did Jenny live with?
Jenny lived with her dad
Where did Forrest and Jenny meet?
They met on the bus to school
Who was she?/ What was her name?
She was Jenny. She was Forrest´s best friend.
Did Forrest have lots of friends when he was young?
No, he didn´t
Who was the famous guy on Forrest´s house?
He was Elvis Presley
Could Forrest walk very well when he was young?
No, he couldn´t
Was Forrest an intelligent child when he was young?
No, he wasn´t.
Who did Forrest llive with?
He lived with his mum
Where was Forrest born?
He was born in Alabama, The U.S.A