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All about 3rd Grade Science.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The biggest planet of the solar system is________ a) Saturn b) Earth c) Jupiter
c) Jupiter
What is a hypothesis? a) an educated guess b) a tool to measure wind c) a box to carry notes
a) an educated guess
Colours and patterns that hide an animal against its background is called__________ a) sleeping b) camouflage c) attacking
b) camouflage
How many teeth are there in an adult human being? a) 30 b) 31 c) 32
32 teeth
How do humans breathe? a) with gills b) with lungs c) they have gills and lungs both to breathe
b) with lungs
What are pushes and pulls? a) forces b) subjects c) branches of science
a) forces
Which is the hottest planet of our solar system? a) Uranus b) Mercury c) Venus
c) Venus
How many colours are there in a rainbow?
7 colours
Is snake a vertebrate or invertebrate?
What will happen to this snowman on a warm, sunny day?
it will melt in the sun
In winters, the days are _____________ and nights are ___________. a) longer and shorter b) shorter and longer c) they stay the same
b) shorter and longer
What tool could you use to measure the weight of an object?
a weighing scale
When the circuit is incomplete what will happen? a) the electricity will continue to flow b) the electricity won't flow
b) the electricity won't flow
What travels faster, light or sound?
Animals that only eat meat are called________ a) Omnivores b) Carnivores c) Herbivores
b) Carnivores
About how long does it take for the moon to orbit the Earth? a) 1 day b) 1 year c) 1 month
c) 1 month
Which was once a planet, but is now renamed a dwarf planet? a) Pluto b) Mercury c) Mars
a) Pluto
Which of the following is NOT a good source of protein? a) carrot b) peanut c) fish
a) carrot
What is the Sun? a) planet b) star c) satellite
a star
Which material is attracted to magnets? a) wood b) aluminums c) iron
c) iron