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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I wish __ to Italy so that I can see my family. (travel)
to travel
Teenagers tend __ their parents. (rebel against)
to rebel against
My boss finally managed __ the conflict between him and his colleague. (solve)
to solve
They delayed making/to make the decision until last year.
I really appreciate you preparing/to prepare lunch for me today. Thank you!
I appreciate to have/having the opportunity to work with you this year.
Maria happened to meet Tom at the cinema. True or False?
The research seems __ with some previous studies. (conflict)
to conflict
The mother promised her children to take/taking them to the park next week.
to take
She attempted __ in the exams a few times. (cheat)
to cheat
As a teenager, it's normal for me to fancy to be/being in a beautiful love story with someone.
I cannot resist shopping/to shop when Shopee announces its monthly sales.
She refused to go/going out because she was seriously ill that night.
to go
The kids are pretending to be/being asleep.
to be
They are going to postpone __ a picnic until the pandemic is over. (have)
I'm very pleased to tell/telling that you've passed the exam with flying colors!
to tell
After three hours, she finally admitted __ the money from her friend. (steal)
You cannot leave unless you finish __ the floor. (clean)
She wasn't able speaking/to speak clearly after the accident.
to speak
I really don't feel like going/to go out tonight. Do you?