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How the tiger got its stripes?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the meaning of plough?
What is the meaning of rules?
All animals laughed at the tiger. What did he do after that?
He ran away and hid himself to the jungle.
Why the tiger screamed when he saw his reflection?
He was embarrassed.
In the end, what did the animals do when they saw the tiger with stripes?
They laughed.
Give me a synonym for the word 'huge'.
What is the meaning of 'the tiger roared'?
Harimau mengaum.
What is the meaning of shiny?
What is the meaning of wisdom?
What is the meaning of exhausted?
What is the meaning of cheated?
What is one of the tiger's wishes if he can get the man's wisdom?
Control the animal. / Make them stand still while he chooses his meal.
Was the tiger embarrassed with its stripes?
Did the man cheat the tiger?
How did the tiger got its the stripes?
From the burnt rope.
Why did the tiger escape from the tree?
He was hungry.
Where did the man tie the tiger?
On a tree
Who is very smart in the story?
The man
What did the tiger wished for?
Where did the tiger see the buffalo?
In the paddy field