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Culture (Famous Sporting Events)

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Where does the the Wimbledon championship take place?
It takes place in London.
Where do the ball boys and ball girls come from?
They all come from local schools.
How many strawberries do the spectators eat?
They eat 112,000 boxes of strawberries.
How long was the longest tennis match in the history of Wimbledon?
11 hours and 5 minutes
What is banned at the Wimbledon championship?
Selfie stick
Can the spectators be noisy when the ball is at play on Centre Court?
No, they must be silent.
What rule about the color that you can remember about Wimbledon?
All players must wear all-white or nearly all-white clothing.
Is Wimbledon the oldest tennis championship in the world?
Yes, it is.
What are the famous champions in Wimbledon?
Famous champions include Serena and Venus Williams (America), Rafael Nadal (Spain) and Roger Federer (Switzerland)
When did the the Wimbledon championship started?
It started in 1877.
What do they have to do to become a ball girl or ball boy?
They start training in February and have to pass an exam and be fit.
What is the usual age of the ball boys and ball girls?
They are usually 15 years old.
How many ball boys and ball girls are there on court?
There are 250 in total.
How many people watch the competition around the world?
More than 500 million people watch the competition in 185 different countries.
How many spectators watch the matches live?
Half a million
Who competes in the the Wimbledon championship?
All of the world's top tennis players.
When does the the Wimbledon championship take place?
It takes place  in the last week of June and the first week of July.
How often does the Wimbledon championship take place?
Every year