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What are they doing? (with adverbs of manner)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are they doing? (optimistic)
They are talking optimistically.
What is the girl doing? (stubborn)
She is acting stubbornly.
What's he doing? (ambitious)
He's working ambitiously.
What is she doing? (excited)
She's listening to music excitedly.
What is he doing? (serious)
He's staring seriously.
What is she doing? (crazy)
She's running crazily.
What is he doing? (fast)
He's running fast.
What is he doing? (hungry)
He's eating hungrily.
What is he doing? (sleepy)
He's studying sleepily.
What are they doing? (curious)
They're using the cellphone curiously.
What are they doing? (excited)
They're watching a game excitedly.
What is he doing? (scared)
He's using the computer scaredly.
What is she doing? (quiet)
She's listening to music quietly.
What is she doing? (lazy)
She's watching TV lazily.
What is she doing? (interested)
She's using the computer interestedly.
What is he doing? (perfect)
He's surfing perfectly.
What are they doing? (happy)
They're watching TV happily.
What is he doing? (happy)
He's reading happily.
What is he doing? (quick)
He's eating quickly.
What is she doing? (careful)
She's driving carefully.
What are they doing? (crazy)
They're playing crazily.
What is he doing? (angry)
He's speaking angrily.
What is he doing? (bad)
He's playing soccer badly.
What is she doing? (loud)
She's talking on the phone loudly.