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L2U10_Conso 3

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Pingu do in the tent?
Pingu turns on the flashlight in the tent.
What does Pingu do in the tent?
Pingu turns off the flashlight in the tent.
What are Pingu and Pinga making?
Pingu and Pinga are making a tent.
How does Pinga feel? How is the monster?
Pinga is scared. The monster is scary.
What does Pingu say?
Shhh! Be quiet!
How is the blanket?
The blanket is old.
What does Pingu want?
Pingu wants a flash light in the tent.
What do Pingu, Pinga and Robby have in the tent?
Pingu, Pinga and Robby have a snack in the tent.
What does Pingu hear?
Pingu hears a noise.
What does Pingu get?
Pingu gets a blanket.