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The Olympics
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Which Olympic athlete was awarded the Pierre de Coubertin medal in 2004?
Vanderlei Lima
To which Greek god were the ancient Olympic Games dedicated?
When did women first participate in the modern Olympic Games? 1896 / 1900 / 1904 / 1908
How long is a marathon?
42 km
Where did the first Winter Olympic Games take place?
Who is the first female U.S. gymnast to win four gold medals at a single Olympics?
Simone Biles
When did the first Refugee Olympic Team make its debut?
In 2016
How many times has London hosted the Olympic Games?
Three times
Who lit the 2020 Olympic flame in Tokyo?
Naomi Osaka
What organization manages the Olympic Games?
International Olympic Committee
What is the date of the first known Olympic Games?
776 BC
Which of the following is not an Olympic sport? WRESTLING / SKATEBOARDING / GOLF / CRICKET
When did the modern Olympic Games start?
In 1896
What does the Olympic motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius" mean?
Fastest, Highest, Strongest
Which sport is this?
Which city decided to use pictograms in the Olympic Games? In which year?
Tokyo (1964)
What do you call the person who makes sure the rules in a game are not broken?
Brazilian gymnast Rebeca Andrade's gold medal was in...
What is this sport called?
Hurdles race
What is this sport called?
Long jump
What is this sport called?
High jump
What is this sport called?
Javelin throw